How about getting lost in the prairies and discovering bison? Does that sound like fun? What if I told you that you could have this experience for free? Even more tempting, right?  Trust me, there’s so much to explore in our area!   Only about an hour from Maple Creek is Old Man on His Back.

The Old Man on His Back Prairie and Heritage Conservation Area is a protected space managed by the Nature Conservancy of Canada, located in Saskatchewan. I decided to hit the road and head to the visitor centre. Unfortunately, when I arrived, the administrator wasn’t there, so a few tourists and I missed out on learning more about it from the experts.

Undeterred, I decided to explore on my own and try to spot the bison. The road was a bit muddy from the rain the previous day, so I wouldn’t recommend going after heavy rainfall—getting through those roads can be tricky. After driving around for about 20 minutes, I was lucky enough to spot a majestic bison grazing peacefully in the sunlight.

Before heading out, I had done some research on bison behavior and how to approach them safely. Did you know that bison are easily startled and could even have a heart attack if frightened? I found that fascinating! So, when you do encounter one, it’s important to keep your distance—about 100 meters—and avoid making any loud noises. Watching the bison in its natural habitat was such a privilege. It’s one of those moments when you truly appreciate the importance of preserving wildlife and allowing them to thrive in their natural environment.

This experience was definitely one of the most vivid and memorable days of my life. It’s a reminder of how incredible nature is and why we should work to protect it.

By the way, if you visit the centre on a day when the administrator is there, you can join a guided tour and learn even more about the history and significance of the Old Man on His Back!

Have an amazing adventure!