Hey, adventurers! What a day it was—delicious food, heartwarming family stories, horseback riding, laughter, interviews, history, and so much more! Get ready for an unforgettable tale from Vlad’s adventures! Let’s dive in.

Our day began early, with all of us eagerly anticipating our visit to the Ranch. We preordered breakfast to fully embrace the cowboy lifestyle! While I had visited the Ranch before, earlier in May, I hadn’t yet met the owners—only their amazing crew (you’ll hear more about them later).

Growing up in Ukraine, I never experienced anything like this. Ranches, farms, and vast open lands were a foreign concept to me, as I always lived in the city, far removed from the world of ranchers and farmers. The sheer size of the land here is awe-inspiring—there’s no end in sight!

When I applied for the job at CDGA, I made sure to research every single partner through social media. That’s how passionate I am about what I do! During my research, I came across an interview with Jason Reesor, and his words struck a chord with me: “Follow your dreams and do what makes you happy. If you don’t like what you’re doing, do everything you can to change it.” – Jason Reesor.

These words resonated so deeply that I even mentioned them to my board chair, Tina Cresswell, during my interview. They motivated me to meet all our partners and friends, and especially to connect with Jason and his family. I wanted to learn more about the Ranch, its culture, and the mindset behind it all. It was truly an honor to spend a day with them, enjoying their hospitality, trying their homemade food, and—of course—embarking on a new adventure: horseback riding.

We arrived at the Ranch at 9 AM, and Theresa had already prepared a feast for us. Since there were no other guests for breakfast that day, we received special attention, which made the experience even more memorable. Theresa welcomed us with open arms, making us feel right at home. Her warmth, kindness, and wealth of knowledge instantly made us feel like we had known her for years.

Then we met Jason, her son, who was equally friendly, funny, and made us feel like we’d been friends for a decade. After our delicious breakfast (a buffet fit for a crowd), we couldn’t help but marvel at the spread—pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, sausages, cereal, muffins, and more. Trust me, you won’t leave hungry after one of Theresa’s breakfasts!

Next, we met Millie, a wrangler at the Ranch, who taught us how to brush, saddle, and get comfortable with the horses before our ride. Millie guided us on a beautiful ride through the diverse terrain of Historic Reesor Ranch and even recommended a movie—Twisters. My friends and I watched it later, and it was fantastic.

We spent two hours riding through the stunning Cypress Hills, having an absolute blast. The connection we built with Millie and the crew made the day even more special. After the ride, we returned to the Ranch, where Theresa treated us to homemade pizza and ice cream—on the house! Then, we sat down for a fantastic interview with her and Jason, diving into the Ranch’s history, tourism, and family legacy. You can catch the full interview on YouTube. It was filled with fun and laughter!

After the interview, Theresa gave us a guided tour of the Ranch, sharing fascinating stories about its history. We even had the privilege of visiting the Reesor family home, a place steeped in history and filled with incredible memories. Being inside the Historic Reesor Ranch, surrounded by warmth, positive energy, and love, was a truly special experience. You can see the care and dedication they’ve put into every corner of their land.

So, should you take the time to visit Reesor Ranch? Absolutely! This is an adventure you don’t want to miss.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this blog to the end. Whoohoo!